💦 大汗不止 顧小培 人工智能研究大汗症的中醫治療方案

在社交場合,兩人在見面時不免先來一個禮儀上的接觸,例如握手;近年來更通行的,是面頰互碰,先是一邊面,再來另一邊。有沒有不用真正碰到對方身體的方法?當然有。我們中國從前是打恭作揖,泰國人今天仍是合掌祝福,日本人則是九十度鞠躬;此外,有用敬禮的方法。軍人的敬禮舉動,與童子軍的不一樣,從前德國的納粹黨更怪裏怪氣。我哥哥與熟朋友之間,新創一個謔而不虐的見面禮方式,做法是面向對方,雙手向前伸開,同時間雙腳分開,身體挺前,微向前屈,像是將要蹲下來的樣子。這個架式表達的,乃是「我向你獻上我的欽敬(陰莖)」。說起握手,有一個不成文的規矩,這規矩據說曾納入中華民國(台灣)外交部的《國際禮儀》冊子中,它與我前兩天談到大律師在輩份上的執着不謀而合。禮貌上,誰先伸手出來與對方相握是很重要的一環。一般來說,應是長輩先伸手;若後輩率先把自己的手伸出來想與長輩互握,則是僭越了。我在藥廠工作的時候,每天都有機會與人握手。我最怕的是兩類:第一類是「大力士式」握手。對方為了要突顯誠意,每每拼命用力握,好像非要握到對方喊救命不可;第二類是「濕滑式」握手。有些人的手汗很厲害,與他們握手後感覺手中黏黏滑滑,不知道手往哪裏放。想要把它抹乾,不能當面掏出手帕或紙巾為之,不抹又難過得緊。其實,出汗的那位仁兄/仁姊想像中會比我更尷尬。他們不但手有汗,腋下也會多汗。脫下外套很不雅,不脫外套又會焗至變本加厲。目前坊間的止汗劑(Antiperspirants)一般主要成分是氯化鋁(Aluminum Chloride)。它會和汗水結合,成為一種膠質,從而封閉汗腺;但這只會是一個治標的方法。
另有一個流行的方法,乃是用一種叫Botox的細菌毒素,用以抑制汗腺分泌汗液。在機制上,引發汗腺分泌汗液的神經傳導物,叫「乙醯膽鹼」(Acetylcholine)。神經細胞先把乙醯膽鹼包裹在一些小泡內,之後,小泡黏附上神經細胞觸鬚(叫「軸突」﹝Axon﹞)的細胞膜,繼而溶入膜中,藉之將小泡內的乙醯膽鹼傾倒(分泌)出軸突。Botox是一種叫Clostridium Botulinum細菌的毒質,能干擾神經小泡,令其不能溶入軸突的細胞膜,這便可以阻止神經對汗腺的作用。不過,Botox並不能永久性改善「大汗」的問題,而只是暫時抑制神經對汗腺的作用。所以,對於非常大汗的「病」人,有些醫生會建議做手術,徹底地將腋下那些「伸延入汗腺的神經」切斷,但這會干擾到身體的自然操作,是否值得,見仁見智。

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a condition that can be treated using traditional Chinese medicine. Here are some commonly used treatments for hyperhidrosis in Chinese medicine:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of qi and help regulate sweat production.
Herbal medicine: Herbs like burdock root, angelica root, and honeysuckle flower can be used to treat hyperhidrosis by clearing heat and promoting sweating.
Cupping: Cupping involves the use of suction cups to create a vacuum on the skin, which can stimulate circulation and promote sweating.
Moxibustion: Moxibustion involves the use of heated herbs to stimulate certain points on the body, promoting sweating and helping to regulate body temperature.
Chinese massage: Massage techniques like Tui Na and Gua Sha can be used to stimulate circulation and help regulate sweating.
It's important to keep in mind that these are just a few of the many treatment options available in traditional Chinese medicine, and the best course of treatment will depend on the individual and the specific cause of the hyperhidrosis. Additionally, it's always recommended to consult with a licensed practitioner before trying any new treatments.
Treating hyperhidrosis with traditional Chinese medicine often involves a combination of treatments, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes. Here are some commonly used herbal remedies for hyperhidrosis in Chinese medicine:
Herbs to clear heat: Herbs like honeysuckle flower, scutellaria root, and mentha herb can be used to clear heat and promote sweating, which can help regulate body temperature and reduce excessive sweating.
Herbs to regulate qi: Herbs like peony root, poria, and atractylodes rhizome can be used to regulate the flow of qi in the body and help balance the body's internal systems, which can reduce excessive sweating.
Herbs to nourish the blood: Herbs like dang gui root, rehmannia root, and angelica root can be used to nourish the blood and promote circulation, which can reduce excessive sweating.
These are just a few of the many herbs that can be used to treat hyperhidrosis in Chinese medicine. The best course of treatment will depend on the individual and the specific cause of the hyperhidrosis, so it's always recommended to consult with a licensed practitioner before trying any new treatments.



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